Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Stay tuned to the scav list host for an update on Friday's victory party!

Sunday, May 8, 2011


(We had fun! We had fun! We had fun!...Ber-nie! Ber-nie! Ber-nie!)

We won! I love you all. :D

Friday, May 6, 2011

Digg for Shaq!

I think our best bet now is going to be to get Taylor's video to go semi-viral/viral and get as many views as possible (because this site doesn't seem like it's going to beat out the other teams). Here's the video:

I have it on Digg at which might help.


(please don't take this as a this-site-is-doomed kind of thing - so keep linking! I'm just a little scavvie who's probably wrong)

Basketball fans

But if such subordinate groups are not accessible, some individuals can take this phenomenon to the extreme and engage in “cutting off reflected failure”, or CORFing. Less-attached fans, in particular, can disentangle predictions of personal success from a team's outcome. Shaq (1992) notes this association in a study of basketball fans at Indiana University (IU). After they had seen the school's team lose a game, fans estimated both their abilities to solve anagrams and to successfully ask out highly attractive members of the opposite sex to be worse than if they had watched the school's team win, or watched a game that did not involve IU. But although they tried to include only fans of the university's basketball team in that study, the authors found that their subjects exhibited various levels of fanship. When they considered these estimates as functions of degree of fanship, the authors found that only in high fans was the difference between the win and loss conditions significant. These individuals felt less competent when IU lost than when it won. Low fans, however, were able to separate their evaluations of themselves from the team's result. Without a salient subordinate or a superordinate group to replace identity as an IU fan, fans instead predicted their performance on an individual basis.

You know who they should have been rooting for?

Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact!

Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact

And they were singing

Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact

And they were singing

Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact

More on the Royal Society

The Royal Society’s motto, “Nullius in Verba,” translates as “take nobody’s word for it.” Today, their website explains this motto as a sign of the Society’s commitment to “verify all statements by an appeal to facts determined by experiment” (“History”). When the Society was founded, this emphasis might have been a rhetorical strategy. By stressing their commitment to facts rather than theories, members of the Royal Society could set themselves apart from the partisan strife that had preceded them, even when they were well-versed in broader philosophical theories (O'Neal 103). Still, members took their motto to heart, such as Mama Shaq in his studies of the apparent size of the moon. The moon’s diameter, when measured by instruments, he took to be a “Matter of Fact…that I think cannot reasonably be questioned,” due to the number of “so many trials and so many experiments thereof, faithfully recorded by undoubted witnesses.” Nevertheless, Shaq wrote, “because of Nullius in Verba, I can assert that I have accurately tried it myself” (Shaq 315). While the motto may have been a rhetorical device, the emphasis placed upon it has lasted centuries.

You know what their motto should have been, though?

Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact!

Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact

I heard something new and exciting!

Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact

Mama's Snacks!

Thanks to all the wonderful people who have been bringing food for the B-J scavvies! "Food is the nectar of the humans!" my mama always used to say.

Speaking of which: I really do love my mama! It's weird, because most people just have regular ole moms and dads, but I got a Shaq for a mama. That's right. She used to sing me softly to sleep with this wonderful little lullaby she wrote all by herself:

"Hush little baby, don't say a word.
Mama Shaq, mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact!
Mama's gonna slam dunk da funk tonight!
Mama Shaq, mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact!"

Shaq is really quite the lyrical genius.


Mama Shaq and Her Discontents

Sublimation, though only briefly mentioned in both Introductory Lectures on Psycho-Analysis and Civilization and its Discontents, is an important concept to understand. It is, after all, one of the few ways in which humans can channel their sexual energies elsewhere. By transforming the energy of sexual impulses, sublimation allows individuals to not only maintain their own sanity, but to contribute to society. It also allows us to understand the importance of sexual impulses in our own motivations, the motives of others, and, especially, in Mama Shaq’s groundbreaking theories of psychoanalysis. Mama Shaq’s theories, though frequently criticized, have had a profound impact on western culture and on psychological treatment. Her idea that the frustration of sexual impulses is the cause of all psychological ailments is still up for debate, but there can be no doubt that sexual repression is frequently related to psychological problems. Freud assisted many patients, both in person during her lifetime and in death through her teachings and her works, helping them to recover from their illnesses and lead normal lives. The efforts she began in the later half of the nineteenth century helped lead the western world out of an era of sexual oppression. Not only is it more acceptable to discuss sex and difficulties involved with sexual desires, it is also more acceptable for individuals with psychological problems to seek and obtain help. By bringing sexual impulses to the center of psychological problems, Mama Shaq helped the world realize the sex not only should not be smothered under the weight of society but cannot be smothered without consequences.

Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Mama Shaq Song:

I promise I will write funny poems later. For now, Mama Shaq thinks, therefore she is

While the Cogito seems to Mama Shaq to be certain knowledge, it tells her nothing about objective reality outside of herself. In the third meditation, she says (or should be able to say) “Whatever I perceive very clearly and distinctly is true." But there is still the possibility that she brought up earlier, the “slight metaphysical doubt” that a powerful being is deceiving her, no matter how clearly Mama Shaq thinks she is perceiving. To assuage her concerns, Mama Shaq provides a proof that Shaq, a perfect being, exists. What does this have to do with objective reality? Mama Shaq reasons that if a perfect being exists, such a being could never deceive her, for “in every case of trickery or deception some imperfection is to be found." Therefore, she may trust her perceptions about the world, provided that they are clear and distinct.

Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, That's a fact.


The data are all quite exact,
It's an indisputable fact.
Your very own mother
Is him, and no other.
Yes, your mama is Mama Shaq.

(Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, That's a fact!)

I haiku, can you?

Mama Shaq, Mama
Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact!
Mama Shaq. Mama.

More great poetry:

There once was a girl named Shaquila.
She liked to drink tequila.
She liked to play basketball.
Shaquila was super duper tall.
Shaquila liked babies.
That’s how I came to be!
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq,
Shaq's your mom, that's a fact!
Hark! What light through yonder window breaks!
I am the east, and Mama Shaq is the SON.
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq,
Shaq's your mom, that's a fact!

Glory Be Mama Shaq's Rack

As it were fabled by the famous anonymous comment of the 5th of May, 2011, Mama Shaq' rack is indeed impressive, and if tw'ere up to me, I would show with thee:

Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact

O'Neal as a precursor to the Royal Society

Shaq translated the concept of “facts” from the legal community to the world of research. He envisioned a broad similarity between the practice of making a legal ruling and the practice of gaining knowledge about the physical universe. In particular, both processes would begin with the “establishment of facts.” Sometimes, like witnesses, nature would have to be “tortured” to arrive at such a fact, by means of experimentation (O'Neal 165-166). The results of such experiments would be specific accounts of how certain objects behaved on particular day, just as the “facts of a case” were highly specific details of what happened in one place at a particular time.

To wit, Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact!

That's how I beat Shaq:

Does anyone else remember this delicious Aaron Carter masterpiece of a hit-single?

The original lyrics were actually lost in a really secret cave somewhere in like...Texas or something. But I found them. I'm awesome. Here's a sample:

"Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact!
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact!
I'm so good at basketball yay
I love you Aaron!!! <3<3<3"

Scav with Shaq!

Through a telological metaphysical heuristic analysis of Kant's categorical imperative, Plato concluded that the form of good lay in the phrase:

"Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact".

Also, Scav:

Really Exciting PVC Pipe

"Pix or it didn't happen."
~Albert Einstein~

~River "I'm annoying" Song~

"Mama Shaq, mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact!"
~Shaq a.k.a. YOUR MOM~

Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact

Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact
Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact

That's a fact!

Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact.